IN THE SPOTLIGHT: MDE to MDB Conversion Service
(also supports: ACCDE to ACCDB, ADE to ADP, etc)
IN THE SPOTLIGHT: Access Database Repair Service
An in-depth repair service for corrupt Microsoft Access files
VBA error handling just got easier...
" vbWatchdog is off the chart. It solves a long standing problem of how to consolidate error handling into one global location and avoid repetitious code within applications. "
- Joe Anderson,
Microsoft Access MVP
Meet Shady, the vbWatchdog mascot watching over your VBA code →
(courtesy of Crystal Long, Microsoft Access MVP)
An Outlook / MAPI code library for VBA, .NET and C# projects
Get emails out to your customers reliably, and without hassle, every single time.
Use vbMAPI alongside Microsoft Outlook to add professional emailing capabilities to your projects.
IN THE SPOTLIGHT: Code Protector
Standard compilation to MDE/ACCDE format is flawed and reversible.
This object is a wrapper for the MAPI IMessage object. To create a new object of type vbMAPI_MailItem, use the vbMAPI_FolderItems Add method. To open an existing object, use the vbMAPI_FolderItems Item method.
Property Get Properties() As vbMAPI_Properties
Exposes a collection of the MAPI properties set on this message. The default member of the vbMAPI_Properties class is Item, therefore in VB you can call vbMAPI_MailItem.Properties(PropTag) directly.
Property Get NamedProperties(ByVal PropertySetGUID As String, _
ByVal ID As Variant, _
ByVal DataType As EnumMAPIPropDataTypes) As vbMAPI_Property
Provides access to MAPI named properties for this MailItem.
PropertySetGUID: A string representation of the property set GUID (e.g. )
ID: The name (string) or property identifier (integer) representing the property to query from the property set.
DataType: The MAPI data type of the property.
Property Get ConversationIndex() As Variant
Property Let ConversationIndex(ByVal RetVal As Variant)
Returns/sets the value of the MAPI property PR_CONVERSATION_INDEX from this message.
Property Get ConversationTopic() As String
Property Let ConversationTopic(ByVal RetVal As String)
Returns/sets the value of the MAPI property PR_CONVERSATION_TOPIC from this message.
Property Get CreationTime() As Date
Returns the value of the MAPI property PR_CREATION_TIME from this message.
Property Get EntryID() As String
Returns the value of the MAPI property PR_ENTRYID from this message.
Property Get Importance() As EnumImportance
Property Let Importance(ByVal RetVal As EnumImportance)
Returns/sets the value of the MAPI property PR_IMPORTANCE from this message.
Property Get InternetCodepage() As Long
Property Let InternetCodepage(ByVal RetVal As Long)
Returns/sets the value of the MAPI property PR_INTERNET_CPID from this message.
Property Get LastModificationTime() As Date
Returns the value of the MAPI property PR_LAST_MODIFICATION_TIME from this message.
Property Get MessageClass() As String
Property Let MessageClass(ByVal RetVal As String)
Returns/sets the value of the MAPI property PR_MESSAGE_CLASS from this message.
Property Get Sensitivity() As EnumSensitivity
Property Let Sensitivity(ByVal RetVal As EnumSensitivity)
Returns/sets the value of the MAPI property PR_SENSITIVITY from this message.
Property Get Size() As Long
Returns the value of the MAPI property PR_MESSAGE_SIZE from this message.
Property Get Subject() As String
Property Let Subject(ByVal RetVal As String)
Returns/sets the value of the MAPI property PR_SUBJECT from this message.
Property Get ParentEntryID() As String
Returns the value of the MAPI property PR_PARENT_ENTRYID from this message.
Property Get BillingInformation() As String
Property Let BillingInformation(ByVal RetVal As String)
Returns/sets the BillingInformation Outlook property.
Property Get OutlookInternalVersion() As Long
Property Let OutlookInternalVersion(ByVal RetVal As Long)
Returns/sets the OutlookInternalVersion Outlook property.
Property Get HidePaperClip() As Boolean
Property Let HidePaperClip(ByVal RetVal As Boolean)
Returns/sets the HidePaperClip Outlook property.
Property Get Mileage() As String
Property Let Mileage(ByVal RetVal As String)
Returns/sets the Mileage Outlook property.
Property Get NoAging() As Boolean
Property Let NoAging(ByVal RetVal As Boolean)
Returns/sets the NoAging Outlook property.
Property Get OutlookVersion() As String
Property Let OutlookVersion(ByVal RetVal As String)
Returns/sets the OutlookVersion Outlook property.
Property Get Body() As vbMAPI_EncodedBody
Returns/sets the plain text version of the body for this message. Can be derived from HTML/RTF if not supported by the message store, or if explicitly requested using the Source parameter.
The default member of the vbMAPI_EncodedBody class is the Value property, therefore you can ignore the vbMAPI_EncodedBody class and treat this property as a string.
Property Get HTMLBody() As vbMAPI_EncodedBody
Returns/sets the HTML version of the body for this message. Can be derived from RTF/PlainText if not supported by the message store, or if explicitly requested using the Source parameter.
The default member of the vbMAPI_EncodedBody class is the Value property, therefore you can ignore the vbMAPI_EncodedBody class and treat this property as a string.
Property Get RTFBody() As vbMAPI_EncodedBody
Returns/sets the RTF version of the body for this message. Can be derived from HTML/PlainText if not supported by the message store, or if explicitly requested using the Source parameter.
The default member of the vbMAPI_EncodedBody class is the Value property, therefore you can ignore the vbMAPI_EncodedBody class and treat this property as a string.
Property Get Parent() As vbMAPI_Folder
Returns the parent folder object associated with this object.
Sub Save()
Saves any modifications made to the current message.
Property Get Session() As vbMAPI_Session
Returns the session object associated with this object.
Property Get UnRead() As Boolean
Property Let UnRead(ByVal Val As Boolean)
Returns/sets the read/unread status of the message.
Property Get DownloadState() As EnumDownloadState
Retrieves the download state of the message (fully downloaded or header only).
Property Get MAPIOBJECT() As Variant
Returns the IMessage object associated with this item.
Property Get Attachments() As vbMAPI_Attachments
Provides a collection of attachment objects associated with this message.
Property Get BodyFormat() As EnumEncodedBodyFormat
Returns the type of body format that is stored in this message. (BodyFormat_PlainText / BodyFormat_HTML / BodyFormat_RTF).
Property Get Account() As String
Property Let Account(ByVal RetVal As String)
Returns the value of the MAPI property PR_ACCOUNT from this message.
Property Get Anniversary() As String
Property Let Anniversary(ByVal RetVal As String)
Returns the value of the MAPI property PR_WEDDING_ANNIVERSARY from this message.
Property Get AssistantName() As String
Property Let AssistantName(ByVal RetVal As String)
Returns the value of the MAPI property PR_ASSISTANT from this message.
Property Get AssistantTelephoneNumber() As String
Property Let AssistantTelephoneNumber(ByVal RetVal As String)
Returns the value of the MAPI property PR_ASSISTANT_TELEPHONE_NUMBER from this message.
Property Get Birthday() As String
Property Let Birthday(ByVal RetVal As String)
Returns the value of the MAPI property PR_BIRTHDAY from this message.
Property Get Business2TelephoneNumber() As String
Property Let Business2TelephoneNumber(ByVal RetVal As String)
Returns the value of the MAPI property PR_BUSINESS2_TELEPHONE_NUMBER from this message.
Property Get BusinessFaxNumber() As String
Property Let BusinessFaxNumber(ByVal RetVal As String)
Returns the value of the MAPI property PR_BUSINESS_FAX_NUMBER from this message.
Property Get BusinessHomePage() As String
Property Let BusinessHomePage(ByVal Value As String)
No information available at this time.
Property Get BusinessTelephoneNumber() As String
Property Let BusinessTelephoneNumber(ByVal RetVal As String)
Returns the value of the MAPI property PR_OFFICE_TELEPHONE_NUMBER from this message.
Property Get CallbackTelephoneNumber() As String
Property Let CallbackTelephoneNumber(ByVal RetVal As String)
Returns the value of the MAPI property PR_CALLBACK_TELEPHONE_NUMBER from this message.
Property Get CarTelephoneNumber() As String
Property Let CarTelephoneNumber(ByVal RetVal As String)
Returns the value of the MAPI property PR_CAR_TELEPHONE_NUMBER from this message.
Property Get Children() As String
Property Let Children(ByVal RetVal As String)
Returns the value of the MAPI property PR_CHILDRENS_NAMES from this message.
Property Get CompanyMainTelephoneNumber() As String
Property Let CompanyMainTelephoneNumber(ByVal RetVal As String)
Returns the value of the MAPI property PR_COMPANY_MAIN_PHONE_NUMBER from this message.
Property Get CompanyName() As String
Property Let CompanyName(ByVal RetVal As String)
Returns the value of the MAPI property PR_COMPANY_NAME from this message.
Property Get ComputerNetworkName() As String
Property Let ComputerNetworkName(ByVal RetVal As String)
Returns the value of the MAPI property PR_COMPUTER_NETWORK_NAME from this message.
Property Get CustomerID() As String
Property Let CustomerID(ByVal RetVal As String)
Returns the value of the MAPI property PR_CUSTOMER_ID from this message.
Property Get DepartmentName() As String
Property Let DepartmentName(ByVal RetVal As String)
Returns the value of the MAPI property PR_DEPARTMENT_NAME from this message.
Property Get FirstName() As String
Property Let FirstName(ByVal Value As String)
No information available at this time.
Property Get LastName() As String
Property Let LastName(ByVal Value As String)
No information available at this time.
Property Get MiddleName() As String
Property Let MiddleName(ByVal Value As String)
No information available at this time.
Property Get FTPSite() As String
Property Let FTPSite(ByVal RetVal As String)
Returns the value of the MAPI property PR_FTP_SITE from this message.
Property Get FullName() As String
Returns the value of the MAPI property PR_DISPLAY_NAME from this message.
Property Get Gender() As EnumGender
Property Let Gender(ByVal RetVal As EnumGender)
Returns the value of the MAPI property PR_GENDER from this message.
Property Get GovernmentIDNumber() As String
Property Let GovernmentIDNumber(ByVal RetVal As String)
Returns the value of the MAPI property PR_GOVERNMENT_ID_NUMBER from this message.
Property Get Hobby() As String
Property Let Hobby(ByVal RetVal As String)
Returns the value of the MAPI property PR_HOBBIES from this message.
Property Get Home2TelephoneNumber() As String
Property Let Home2TelephoneNumber(ByVal RetVal As String)
Returns the value of the MAPI property PR_HOME2_TELEPHONE_NUMBER from this message.
Property Get HomeFaxNumber() As String
Property Let HomeFaxNumber(ByVal RetVal As String)
Returns the value of the MAPI property PR_HOME_FAX_NUMBER from this message.
Property Get HomeTelephoneNumber() As String
Property Let HomeTelephoneNumber(ByVal RetVal As String)
Returns the value of the MAPI property PR_HOME_TELEPHONE_NUMBER from this message.
Property Get ISDNNumber() As String
Property Let ISDNNumber(ByVal RetVal As String)
Returns the value of the MAPI property PR_ISDN_NUMBER from this message.
Property Get Initials() As String
Property Let Initials(ByVal RetVal As String)
Returns the value of the MAPI property PR_INITIALS from this message.
Property Get JobTitle() As String
Property Let JobTitle(ByVal RetVal As String)
Returns the value of the MAPI property PR_TITLE from this message.
Property Get Language() As String
Property Let Language(ByVal RetVal As String)
Returns the value of the MAPI property PR_LANGUAGE from this message.
Property Get ManagerName() As String
Property Let ManagerName(ByVal RetVal As String)
Returns the value of the MAPI property PR_MANAGER_NAME from this message.
Property Get MobileTelephoneNumber() As String
Property Let MobileTelephoneNumber(ByVal RetVal As String)
Returns the value of the MAPI property PR_CELLULAR_TELEPHONE_NUMBER from this message.
Property Get NickName() As String
Property Let NickName(ByVal RetVal As String)
Returns the value of the MAPI property PR_NICKNAME from this message.
Property Get OfficeLocation() As String
Property Let OfficeLocation(ByVal RetVal As String)
Returns the value of the MAPI property PR_OFFICE_LOCATION from this message.
Property Get OrganizationalIDNumber() As String
Property Let OrganizationalIDNumber(ByVal RetVal As String)
Returns the value of the MAPI property PR_ORGANIZATIONAL_ID_NUMBER from this message.
Property Get OtherFaxNumber() As String
Property Let OtherFaxNumber(ByVal RetVal As String)
Returns the value of the MAPI property PR_PRIMARY_FAX_NUMBER from this message.
Property Get OtherTelephoneNumber() As String
Property Let OtherTelephoneNumber(ByVal RetVal As String)
Returns the value of the MAPI property PR_OTHER_TELEPHONE_NUMBER from this message.
Property Get PagerNumber() As String
Property Let PagerNumber(ByVal RetVal As String)
Returns the value of the MAPI property PR_PAGER_TELEPHONE_NUMBER from this message.
Property Get PersonalHomePage() As String
Property Let PersonalHomePage(ByVal RetVal As String)
Returns the value of the MAPI property PR_PERSONAL_HOME_PAGE from this message.
Property Get PrimaryTelephoneNumber() As String
Property Let PrimaryTelephoneNumber(ByVal RetVal As String)
Returns the value of the MAPI property PR_PRIMARY_TELEPHONE_NUMBER from this message.
Property Get Profession() As String
Property Let Profession(ByVal RetVal As String)
Returns the value of the MAPI property PR_PROFESSION from this message.
Property Get RadioTelephoneNumber() As String
Property Let RadioTelephoneNumber(ByVal RetVal As String)
Returns the value of the MAPI property PR_RADIO_TELEPHONE_NUMBER from this message.
Property Get ReferredBy() As String
Property Let ReferredBy(ByVal RetVal As String)
Returns the value of the MAPI property PR_PREFERRED_BY_NAME from this message.
Property Get Spouse() As String
Property Let Spouse(ByVal RetVal As String)
Returns the value of the MAPI property PR_SPOUSE_NAME from this message.
Property Get Suffix() As String
Property Let Suffix(ByVal RetVal As String)
Returns the value of the MAPI property PR_GENERATION from this message.
Property Get TelexNumber() As String
Property Let TelexNumber(ByVal RetVal As String)
Returns the value of the MAPI property PR_TELEX_NUMBER from this message.
Property Get Title() As String
Property Let Title(ByVal RetVal As String)
Returns the value of the MAPI property PR_DISPLAY_NAME_PREFIX from this message.
Property Get TTYTDDTelephoneNumber() As String
Property Let TTYTDDTelephoneNumber(ByVal RetVal As String)
Returns the value of the MAPI property PR_TTYTDD_PHONE_NUMBER from this message.
Property Get WebPage() As String
Property Let WebPage(ByVal Value As String)
No information available at this time.
Property Get BusinessAddress() As String
Returns/sets the BusinessAddress Outlook property.
Property Get BusinessAddressCity() As String
Property Let BusinessAddressCity(ByVal Value As String)
No information available at this time.
Property Get BusinessAddressCountry() As String
Property Let BusinessAddressCountry(ByVal Value As String)
No information available at this time.
Property Get BusinessAddressPostalCode() As String
Property Let BusinessAddressPostalCode(ByVal Value As String)
No information available at this time.
Property Get BusinessAddressPostOfficeBox() As String
Property Let BusinessAddressPostOfficeBox(ByVal Value As String)
No information available at this time.
Property Get BusinessAddressState() As String
Property Let BusinessAddressState(ByVal Value As String)
No information available at this time.
Property Get BusinessAddressStreet() As String
Property Let BusinessAddressStreet(ByVal Value As String)
No information available at this time.
Property Get Email1AddressType() As String
Property Let Email1AddressType(ByVal Value As String)
Returns/sets the Email1AddressType Outlook property.
Property Get Email1DisplayName() As String
Property Let Email1DisplayName(ByVal Value As String)
Returns/sets the Email1DisplayName Outlook property.
Property Get Email2AddressType() As String
Property Let Email2AddressType(ByVal Value As String)
Returns/sets the Email2AddressType Outlook property.
Property Get Email2DisplayName() As String
Property Let Email2DisplayName(ByVal Value As String)
Returns/sets the Email2DisplayName Outlook property.
Property Get Email3AddressType() As String
Property Let Email3AddressType(ByVal Value As String)
Returns/sets the Email3AddressType Outlook property.
Property Get Email3DisplayName() As String
Property Let Email3DisplayName(ByVal Value As String)
Returns/sets the Email3DisplayName Outlook property.
Property Get FileAs() As String
Property Let FileAs(ByVal Value As String)
Returns/sets the FileAs Outlook property.
Property Get HasPicture() As Boolean
Returns/sets the HasPicture Outlook property.
Property Get HomeAddress() As String
Returns/sets the HomeAddress Outlook property.
Property Get HomeAddressCity() As String
Property Let HomeAddressCity(ByVal Value As String)
No information available at this time.
Property Get HomeAddressCountry() As String
Property Let HomeAddressCountry(ByVal Value As String)
No information available at this time.
Property Get HomeAddressPostalCode() As String
Property Let HomeAddressPostalCode(ByVal Value As String)
No information available at this time.
Property Get HomeAddressPostOfficeBox() As String
Property Let HomeAddressPostOfficeBox(ByVal Value As String)
No information available at this time.
Property Get HomeAddressState() As String
Property Let HomeAddressState(ByVal Value As String)
No information available at this time.
Property Get HomeAddressStreet() As String
Property Let HomeAddressStreet(ByVal Value As String)
No information available at this time.
Property Get IMAddress() As String
Property Let IMAddress(ByVal Value As String)
Returns/sets the IMAddress Outlook property.
Property Get InternetFreeBusyAddress() As String
Property Let InternetFreeBusyAddress(ByVal Value As String)
Returns/sets the InternetFreeBusyAddress Outlook property.
Property Get Journal() As String
Property Let Journal(ByVal Value As String)
Returns/sets the Journal Outlook property.
Property Get OtherAddress() As String
Returns/sets the OtherAddress Outlook property.
Property Get OtherAddressCity() As String
Property Let OtherAddressCity(ByVal Value As String)
No information available at this time.
Property Get OtherAddressCountry() As String
Property Let OtherAddressCountry(ByVal Value As String)
No information available at this time.
Property Get OtherAddressPostalCode() As String
Property Let OtherAddressPostalCode(ByVal Value As String)
No information available at this time.
Property Get OtherAddressPostOfficeBox() As String
Property Let OtherAddressPostOfficeBox(ByVal Value As String)
No information available at this time.
Property Get OtherAddressState() As String
Property Let OtherAddressState(ByVal Value As String)
No information available at this time.
Property Get OtherAddressStreet() As String
Property Let OtherAddressStreet(ByVal Value As String)
No information available at this time.
Property Get User1() As String
Property Let User1(ByVal Value As String)
Returns/sets the User1 Outlook property.
Property Get User2() As String
Property Let User2(ByVal Value As String)
Returns/sets the User2 Outlook property.
Property Get User3() As String
Property Let User3(ByVal Value As String)
Returns/sets the User3 Outlook property.
Property Get User4() As String
Property Let User4(ByVal Value As String)
Returns/sets the User4 Outlook property.
Property Get YomiCompanyName() As String
Property Let YomiCompanyName(ByVal Value As String)
Returns/sets the YomiCompanyName Outlook property.
Property Get YomiFirstName() As String
Property Let YomiFirstName(ByVal Value As String)
Returns/sets the YomiFirstName Outlook property.
Property Get YomiLastName() As String
Property Let YomiLastName(ByVal Value As String)
Returns/sets the YomiLastName Outlook property.
Sub AddPicture(ByVal FilePath As String)
No information available at this time.
Sub RemovePicture()
No information available at this time.
Property Get CompanyAndFullName() As String
No information available at this time.
Property Get CompanyLastFirstNoSpace() As String
No information available at this time.
Property Get CompanyLastFirstSpaceOnly() As String
No information available at this time.
Property Get FullNameAndCompany() As String
No information available at this time.
Property Get LastFirstAndSuffix() As String
No information available at this time.
Property Get LastFirstNoSpace() As String
No information available at this time.
Property Get LastFirstNoSpaceAndSuffix() As String
No information available at this time.
Property Get LastFirstNoSpaceCompany() As String
No information available at this time.
Property Get LastFirstSpaceOnly() As String
No information available at this time.
Property Get LastFirstSpaceOnlyCompany() As String
No information available at this time.
Property Get LastNameAndFirstName() As String
No information available at this time.
Property Get SelectedMailingAddress() As EnumMailingAddress
Property Let SelectedMailingAddress(ByVal Value As EnumMailingAddress)
No information available at this time.
Property Get MailingAddress() As String
Returns/sets the PR_POSTAL_ADDRESS MAPI property.
Property Get MailingAddressCity() As String
Property Let MailingAddressCity(ByVal Value As String)
No information available at this time.
Property Get MailingAddressCountry() As String
Property Let MailingAddressCountry(ByVal Value As String)
No information available at this time.
Property Get MailingAddressPostalCode() As String
Property Let MailingAddressPostalCode(ByVal Value As String)
No information available at this time.
Property Get MailingAddressPostOfficeBox() As String
Property Let MailingAddressPostOfficeBox(ByVal Value As String)
No information available at this time.
Property Get MailingAddressState() As String
Property Let MailingAddressState(ByVal Value As String)
No information available at this time.
Property Get MailingAddressStreet() As String
Property Let MailingAddressStreet(ByVal Value As String)
No information available at this time.
Gender_Unspecified = &H0
Gender_Female = &H1
Gender_Male = &H2
MailingAddress_None = &H0
MailingAddress_Home = &H1
MailingAddress_Business = &H2
MailingAddress_Other = &H3
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