ref: ErrExVariables

On this page you'll find:

Class Description


Sub FirstVar()

Points this variable object at the first variable defined in the procedure.

Sub NextVar()

Points this variable object at the next variable defined in the procedure (used to iterate).

Property Get IsEnd() As Boolean

Returns True if this is the last variable defined.

Property Get Name() As String

Returns the name of this variable, as a string.

Property Get VarPtr() As Long

Returns the address where the variable data resides in memory.

Property Get Scope() As VarScope

No information available at this time.

Property Get ScopeDesc() As String

Returns the scope of this variable, as a string representation.  One of 'PARAM', 'LOCAL', 'STATIC' or 'MODULE'.

Property Get TypeDesc() As String

Returns the type of this variable, as declared in the VB decleration.

Property Get Value() As Variant

Returns a read-only value representing the current live value of the variable.

Property Get ValueDesc() As String

Returns a read-only string representing the current live value of the variable.

Function DumpAll(Optional ByVal SplitPos As Long = &H32) As String

Dumps all variables to a formatted string.  SplitPos defines the amount of space padding.

Enumeration description: VarScope

LocalVariable = &H0
ParameterVariable = &H1
ModuleVariable = &H2
StaticVariable = &H3