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Referring to controls within a tabbed form

        6 votes: *****     3,709 views      No comments
by Keri Hardwick, 01 January 1999    (for ALL VERSIONS of Access)

(Q)     How do I refer to a control found on a tab page when I'm using a tabbed form?

(A)     The tab control has no impact on the syntax for referring to a control. To refer to a control on the main form, you simply use [Control name].

To refer to a property of a subform on a tab page, you use:

[Subform Control Name].Form.Property

To refer to a control on a subform on a tab page:

[Subform Control Name].Form![Control Name]

And, to refer to a property of a control on a subform on a tab page:

[Subform Control Name].Form![Control Name].Property

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